A collection of resources used to build this site. Combined with some tips that might save time.
First make a small project with: link
Do note that this demo makes posts, which are available in https://localhost:1313/posts. The homepage will be empty, don’t let this confuse you.
The homepage itself can be configured in the hugo.toml (config.toml). Spectral has a good example.
Customize themes
For css/scss you can just make a file and reference it in your hugo.toml (config.toml). I had to overwrite the stylesheets.html file of the theme I’m using to make this work. Also: it needs to be in a list, even if you have 1 file.
For specific files they should not be edited directly in the themes dir. But you can add files to your project and they have priority. See link
The theme uses fontawesome, so you can add/override icons using these.
Domain setup
For hosting github pages is being used.
Google domains
Hosting config for Google domains can be configured as follows: link
Note: when configuring the ‘A Record’ the ‘@’ should just be empty.
This blogpost is however incomplete and after completing it you should follow: link
Extra notes
Top level headers are ignored. A <h1></h1> tag in html and a # in markdown will be ignored. ## and <h2></h2> work.
If you need a more hands-on example. The code for this site can be found in my GitHub repo: link